Multisensor Products

VOC in Gas Analyzers

The MS1800 VOC in gas analyzer allows you to detect low concentrations of VOC GAS in the air.

Oil in Water Analyzers

The MS1200 is an on-line monitoring system which provides low level measurements of hydrocarbons, oil and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) concentrations in water.It is designed to: monitor water abstraction points such as raw river water, boreholes and reservoir water and much more.

THM Analyzers

The MS2000 is a Total Trihalomethanes on-line monitoring system which provides low level measurements of THMs in water. It is designed to analyze THMs at the end of a water works and to analyze THMs in the network.

Ammonia Analyzers

The MS3500 is the first specialist Ammonia analyzer for Raw Waste Water. Its rugged construction and design allows it to reliably measure Ammonia at the very front end of a waste water treatment plant, giving the operator a level of control and knowledge presently unknown to the industry.

Effluent Discharge Analyzer

The MS1800 VOC in gas analyzer allows you to detect low concentrations of VOC GAS in the air.